Trip to Tohoku
On February 13-15, 14 members took a trip to Minamisariku in Miyagi prefecture. This is one of the many locations that suffered greatly from the tsunami back in 2011. On our first day, we visited the areas that were damaged. Although we were told that the areas are being reconstructed, elementary schools, high schools and the towns still remain under bad conditions. Many locals are still living in small temporary homes, hoping to one day move into a house of their own. On the second day, we organized an English event for local children. We prepared various English activities and communicated with the kids. All of the children were very bright and excited to play the games with us! Visiting Tohoku truly made us realize how the local people still need our help to reconstruct their hometown. We plan to keep in touch with the people we have met thorough this trip and hope to go back very soon.