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About me

            We are the University Campus Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. We are enrolled in Sophia University in Japan, and we attend events to commit to our community and also Habitat for Humanity with a vision, "A world where everyone has a decent place to live."

            Habitat for Humanity(HFH) is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization that is currently working in more than 100 different countries. It all started back in 1976, in a community located in Georgia, U.S.A. A couple named Millard and Linda Fuller founded the organization to provide a solution for poverty and racism. Their idea was to build a house that was affordable for low-income families, without charging interest and collateral. This idea expanded throughout the U.S, eventually inspiring a lot of people throughout the entire world. Starting from the U.S President, even famous actors and athletes support this organization and its vision. There are countless amount of student-run organizations in almost every university in the U.S (Harvard, Stanford, UC Schools, etc), and that number is continuing to increase in Japan! 


    Habitat for Humanity(HFH)は世界100ヵ国で海外住居支援を行っている自立支援型NGOです。全てが始まったのは1976年、アメリカのジョージア州に住んでいたミラード&リンダ夫妻によって設立されました。貧困住居問題、また、当時問題であった人種差別の解決を目的に低取得家族ができるだけ安く住宅を購入できるように、非営利で無利子・無担保の住居支援の活動を始めました。彼らが住んでいたコミュニティで始まったHFHは、今でもアメリカを中心に世界中へと広がっています。アメリカの大統領たちや有名な俳優たちも活動に参加し、団体を支援するなど、現在ほぼ全てのアメリカの大学(ハーバード、スタンフォード、UCLAや他のカリフォルニア州立大学、その他)でハビタット支部が存在します。日本では関東と関西で学生支部が少しずつ増えています!

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