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Global Village Program~International Youth Build (Day 9)

Rest (Day9 – HfH Sophia team day)

Since we booked a flight of Aug. 10th, we went to enjoy Philippine in the last day. We went to sightseeing to touch the history, and we saw the sunsets, one of the world’s most beautiful sunset. We all lost words looking at the sunset. It was just splendid. Beautiful. It was only 8 days, we felt difficulties and happiness. All the memories flashed in front of us. One of us said “ I am happy that I joined this trip.” And we all agreed. Suddenly while we were eating dinner, the firework started. We felt it was the gift for us doing our best during this trip.

私たち、HfH Sophiaは10日のフライトだったため、最後の9日はフィリピンを楽しもう、と観光にいった。歴史にふれて、世界三大夕日とも呼ばれるマニラ湾の夕日をみた。言葉がでなかった。透き通った空気に色鮮やかな空。眩しく光る夕日。たったの8日間だったが辛かったし楽しかった思い出が走馬灯のようにみんなの頭の中を駆け回った。そしてメンバーの一人が呟いた。「この旅に来れてよかった。」と。その後夕食を食べていると、いきなり花火があがった。おつかれさま、と天からのプレゼント思えるくらい綺麗な花火だった。


Living in Japan makes us blinded and the fact (that many people cannot have a life like us) fades. In the world, there are thousands of people who cannot live in a descent place. What can we, students, can do? We can help people to have descent place to live by volunteering through GV Program.The word “thank you” and the smiles local people gave us, we will never forget.


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